HUGE congratulations to Anujith Ajithkumar Kannanchara. Switch Scholarship winner at Sheridan College pictured here with Theresa Scandiffio, Associate Dean, Animation and Game Design
Charlie’s project isn’t going perfectly…and that’s okay.
In fact, nobody is perfect, and that’s perfectly okay.The Perfect Project and it’s positive message of the acceptance of children with autism. Let’s change perceptions!
To celebrate World Autism Awareness Month please share
- Social Interaction – Charlie has difficulty recognizing and responding appropriately to social and emotional cues.
- Language – Charlie’s literal understanding of language causes difficulty understanding colloquialisms, word lay and slang
- Expressing Emotions – Charlie repeats phrases he’s overheard and projects thoughts or ideas onto inanimate objects to communicate his feelings.
- Sensory Overload – Charlie has difficulty concentrating in noisy, crowded spaces.

For Inquiries
Anne Denomme, Marketing & Communication @ Switch VFX & Animation 416-578-0017 ORSwitch Animation continues to support Toronto’s Girls in Tech Conference, April 1st at U of T Schools, by engaging our partners at The Animation Lounge to teach a hands on workshop with Toon Boom animation software.
We are hopeful there are future animators in attendance!
Girls in Tech or GITCON is an annual student-run conference for young girls interested in tech. The conference targets girls in grades 6-8 and the participants take part in exciting workshops on 3D printing, programming, robotics and ANIMATION plus network with like-minded women and girls, and explore possible career paths in the tech space.
Many thanks to Toon Boom Animation for their support.
Mercedes Milligan March 16, 2023
Award-winning boutique studio Switch Animation (ZipZaps) is celebrating World Autism Day (April 2) with the global online release of The Perfect Project, an animated short film about autism adapted from the book of the same name by author, professor, TEDx speaker and award-winning psychologist Dr. Tracy Packiam, PhD.
“This film showcases the superpowers of autistic children with sensitivity and gentle humor, telling the heartwarming tale of how a young boy with autism and his classmates learn to collaborate on their science fair project,” says Dr. Packiam.
The Perfect Project is a passion production for Switch Animation, which strives to create content that inspires, educates and entertains. “It started in 2019 with the festival short ZOUA, a story of friendship, shared around the world, from the creative minds of a group of brave children fighting cancer,” Pete Denomme, CEO/Executive Producer of Switch explains. “With the The Perfect Project it was important to me to express to children what autism is in a simple, direct and honest way with the critical themes of understanding and acceptance.”
The team on the film included voice actors and animators on the autism spectrum as well as a behavior therapist who deals daily with children who, like the short’s lead character Charlie, face many situations that non-autistic classmates take for granted. Within the framework of the story, key elements of Charlies autism are proven to be his strengths as he is instrumental in helping his team.
To amplify efforts during April’s World Autism Month to educate, support and bring awareness of autism, Switch Animation is bringing The Perfect Project and Charlie’s adventure to a wider audience, to share his positive influence on the perception and reception of autism.
Watch the trailer for The Perfect Project on Vimeo and learn more about Switch Animation at
Article as it originally appeared in Animation Magazine
The Switch Scholarship Program has added an Entry Level Scholarship for High School Students in Ontario. This new program compliments the college level awards that have been in place for seven years.
This new scholarship includes a financial award of $1000 to be used toward an Ontario college animation program as well as access to three 2-hour workshops with the industry recognized Animation Lounge, taught by veteran production executive Sonya Carey.
Contact for an application.