AVAILABLE TO VIEW NOW….. The Perfect Project, An Animated Short Film About Autism

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Charlie’s project isn’t going perfectly…and that’s okay.In fact, nobody is perfect, and that’s perfectly okay.

To celebrate World Autism Awareness Month please share The Perfect Project and it’s positive message of the acceptance of children with autism.Let’s change perceptions!


The Perfect Project short film (7 minutes) showcases four of the major challenges autistic children face with sensitivity and gentle humour:
  1. Social Interaction – Charlie has difficulty recognizing and responding appropriately to social and emotional cues.
  2. Language – Charlie’s literal understanding of language causes difficulty understanding colloquialisms, word lay and slang
  3. Expressing Emotions – Charlie repeats phrases he’s overheard and projects thoughts or ideas onto inanimate objects to communicate his feelings.
  4. Sensory Overload – Charlie has difficulty concentrating in noisy, crowded spaces.


The Perfect Project Synopsis  Ms. James puts her students in groups for the upcoming science fair. Charlie is too preoccupied playing with a toy train to join. Emma engages him by suggesting they do their project on trains. When Andrew boasts about his remote-controlled toy train Charlie contradicts him, “real trains aren’t remote controlled.” (1) When Emma asks everyone “lend a hand”, Charlie takes it literally and runs away. (2) He projects his feelings onto Terrance the train, a character from his book. (3) Ms. James calms Charlie by suggesting he write down all the facts he knows about trains for his group. The next day at the fair Charlie is overwhelmed by the noisy, crowded gym (4), Andrew gives him earmuffs which calms him enough to recite all of his train facts. The judges are so impressed that they award the group first prize for a PERFECT PROJECT.
Available only until April 30, 2023

For Inquiries contact:Anne Denomme, Marketing & Communication @ Switch VFX & Animation416-578-0017 OR anned@switchent.com